Last Saturday I had breakfast with my oldest and dearest girl-friend. She requested a breakfast date after receiving the news that our family was growing......
You see we made this decision over time, it was a process for our family to get to this point. But she hadn't been included in that decision making process.
So, she asked for the back story. We sat in a cute old diner. We ate eggs and toast. (I drank coffee, she's healthy like that)
We talked about what God has been doing in our family. She asked her questions. She listened to my rambling way of explaining things and we had a great time.
She left excited, but still warming up to the idea of our adoption , I think.
That is ok.
Its not her vision. It 's ours.
What I loved and treasured about that breakfast date with my sweet friend was, she asked.
She spoke her concerns and was honest with me. She gave me a chance to tell her about what God is doing in our lives and she wasn't negative in any way. In fact she was encouraging. In spite of her own hesitations.
You see, though we have been privately praying, as well as seeking counsel from a few men and women we feel God placed in our lives for this season to provide us with Godly counsel in this matter.....
Some of those closest to us haven't been a part of the initial decision making process. So for lack of a better description they may feel 'in the dark'....... or even left out....
Additionally, we HAVE 5 Kiddos so, many people who know us may, in the most loving way possible, secretly (or openly be asking) "Are you CRAZY?"
In answer to that question I say, Yes, we are crazy, i think. At least by the standards I have always measured 'not crazy' by......
However, though this may seem sudden and on a whim to you, we have actually thought this one out quite a bit.....
But don't let that make you think we are just roaring with confidence here.... we are scared stiff. (That was the blog title we toyed with the most, actually.)
Even though we are sure of the calling, we aren't sure at all of the way, the means, or final picture of what this all looks like.
Wisdom, money, time, patience, love..... the list goes on as to all the things we know we have a mediocre supply of.
So, we are abundantly confident in his splendid supply.
We don't know much, but we know he told us to, 'Get out of the boat.' So we are.
We are trying not to look at the waves. But it is a moment by moment battle. The waves LOOK SO BIG.
So, friend, feel free to use my dearest friend as your example.
Have questions? Ask away. Have doubts? Be honest.
One thing is for sure, we know we can't do this alone. We need the body of Christ to come around us and support us with prayer, love, giving, counsel, and encouragement.
We NEED people to become passionate about our vision.
After all, we didn't make it up ourselves.
"Father of the fatherless and protector of the widows is God in His holy habitation.
God sets the lonely into families, he leads the prisoners out singing!" Psalm 68:5-6
To sum up, we covet your prayers, we hope for your support, we welcome your questions, we are ok with your doubts and we are so thankful for ALL our friends!